>>36659427LOONLES - Drifblim lvl 44
- Shadow Ball
- Thunder
- Fly
PIPI - Togekiss lvl 45
- Aerial Ace
- Extremespeed
- Aura Sphere
- Encore
YEE MANIA - Rampardos lvl 39
- Rock Slide
- Dig
- Strength
- Zen Headbutt
DODGER - Golduck lvl 44
- Surf
- Aqua Jet
- Zen Headbutt
- Blizzard
FROSTICUS - Abomasnow lvl 42
- Wood Gammer
- Ice Shard
- Rock Climb
- Ingrain
Fuck training stuff up after a late game wipe.
How am I looking to fight Distortion World Cyrus?
I dont know who to use as my sixth member.
heres my options;
That it. Game shat shitmons at me for the most part. I would go Porygon but I have no games to trade with. It would really suck if I wiped again to Cyrus so any tips? Any good picks out of my box for sixth mon? 5 is better then six against broken ass tutor moves Cyrus. Dont know what to put as a last move on Drifblim, also Togekiss is Adamant Hustle so I tried to make it work.