>>50716011I was here on /vp/ for BW hype season and I can tell you that it's definitely not the same. I think a big part of it is that Corocoro scans were a thing back then and clearly aren't anymore, but even SuMo and SwSh pre-release didn't feel this bland. SuMo had UBs to have people speculate and we still got a small trickle of new Pokemon designs to keep us entertained. SwSh, for better or for worse, had Dexit stir up some discussion and... and... the forest livestream? It was mostly Dexit keeping discussion alive, sadly. But right now there's nothing to talk about with SV that hasn't already been discussed a bunch by now. I know it's early and we only just got our first trailer after the initial reveal, but the trailers have been extremely barebones. PLA I believe had the problem of most of the gameplay being exploring since it's open-world, so there wasn't a lot to showcase without just spoiling the entire game in terms of revealing Pokemon designs and plot elements. It was mostly forgiven for being lacking in content because we JUST got BDSP months before the release and people were still somewhat discussing SwSh and its DLC. In fact, I often hear people criticize revealing Gen 9 too "early", as if we weren't ready to move on yet because PLA came out just a month or two prior to the reveal trailer.
I don't know about anybody else, but to me it's likely that they're testing a new marketing strategy of keeping their players guessing by withholding a lot of info to keep things a mystery and fresh when the games release, and while I really do appreciate the sentiment since going in blind is probably the best way to enjoy any game, but they're boring the shit out of their fans by not giving us something to actually talk about. It was a slog waiting for PLA to release because of them being so tight-lipped and it's starting to look like a slog now. It can still change but I have a bad feeling about all this after how dumb they were about PLA.