>>27331347I was excited! It was a new Pokemon evolution for my favorite Pokemon. It was kind of a bummer when I found out I needed to trade it in order for it to evolve, since I always wanted to have it evolve with me. So I would trade one Pokemon holding the King's Rock to someone, then trade them Slowpoke. The other person would then equip Slowpoke with the rock and then trade it back to me.
I've never been too up on weighing the stats and move pool of one Pokemon versus another, so I can't speak to its efficacy. But I did get to go to the Elite Four with a Slowpoke, Slowbro, and Slowking. That was so much fun for my young teen self that it is impossible for me to hate GSC.
>>27331360Thanks. Can't remember another time when one of the other games got me that amped up! I'm playing Alpha Sapphire for the first time right now, and as much fun as it has been and all, I can't really bring myself to be as emotionally invested as I was in my first run of Pokemon Silver.
Growing up can be pretty sad, sometimes...