>>38808518> If everyone is special, then no-one is.This.
Mega Evolution was interesting because it completely redefined certain Pokemon's roles and capabilities, in unique ways. Beedrill becoming a glass cannon, complimented by Adaptability and U-Turn. Lopunny getting the Fighting sub-type, along with Scrappy and improved Attack and Speed. Zard X dipping into its Physical movepool with Tough Claws, DD, and the Dragon sub-typing. Not to mention the buffed better physical defense, making access to moves like Roost and Will-O-Wisp more meaningful. etc.
All of that seemed thoughtful and imaginative. Like, they had to go in and think about how every individual Pokemon could be improved.
That's my problem with both Z-Moves and Dynamaxing. This attempt to make every Pokemon 'better' at the same time, with crazy super powers for everyone. Dynamaxing does seem like it could be a fun little boss mechanic (like the Totems), but as a battle mechanic it's not really compelling to me.