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This is for the /tr/ainers.
This is for the /vp/oreons.
This is for those of us on this board who want to discuss pokemon and pokemon franchise material.
We are sick and tired of the mods and janitors not doing their jobs well enough or if at all.
The amount of shitposting, porn, offtopic bullshit, furfaggotry, and unbridled filth that has been ravaging /vp/ in recent months has been met with lassez-faire response from the moderation AT BEST.
We, the anonymous users of /vp/ and the veterans of /tr/ DEMAND IMMEDIATE ACTION and for someone in charge to immediately open up moderator and janitor positions for /vp/. There are more than enough /vp/ users flocking to /qa/ routinely to petition for more help for our board. There are more than enough users who CRY OUT for more moderation.
This is our home. It may be shitty and a containment board, but god dammit this is our home. This was once a decent home, when mods and janitors helped us. But without your help, it will become another festering wound in 4chan like /pol/, /r9k/, /s4s/, /v/, and /tv/.
We anons cannot do it ourselves, otherwise we would do so already. The next logical step is the return of garyposting, and those of us from those days remember how out of hand that could get. But god dammit, if those are the days that must return, then they shall return.
This board can go forth in one of three directions, and you mods and janitors, if you'll even read this considering that'd mean you'd have to come to /vp/, will decide what happens.
We the /tr/ainers of /vp/ have made our move. What will you do next?