>>36497026>Any plans to practice what you preach0/10.
In all of my stories, the source is properly spaced, excepting the oversights and typographical errors that plague us all. However, HTML rendering seems to be regulated by the villainous monsters mentioned above (
>>36495949) making every paragraph look like a run-on sentence. Furthermore, for this site in particular, the woefully narrow character limit of 2000 has sent me removing those spaces to fit the limit, provoking me to type like a toddler here to save time later when I expect to work with my back against the ceiling.
Indeed, I have practical use for it too: I use the doubled spacing as a token to identify sentence endings in my script that analyzes my writing, ensuring that other uses of the same mark (which should be distinguished in Unicode if Unicode wasn't pants-on-head, itself), such as for abbreviation, are not mistaken for sentence endings.
See attachment, including that ?'s in quotations are spaces like the commas that quoted periods become.
>>36497157>I never got marked down for it back in school.Moral decay on parade: Behavior regulated by what's gotten away with instead of what's virtuous.
>the teachers themselves used a single spaceTeachers are often ignorant. Per an article I read a few years ago, a student was punished for disobedience and disrupting class because he called out his teacher for demanding students perform a metric conversion with the factor running backwards, yielding incorrect results. Treat all authorities like communists (indeed, many are): You can trust tentatively, but you also must verify.