Quoted By:
It's pokemon day
>Half of the people think gen 9 is coming
>Half think PLA dlc is coming
>The presentation starts
>Japanese PC employee with English voice over says the usual: "Hello we hope you are enjoying our latest products" ect
>Screen suddenly goes black. Muffled club music can be heard.
>Shaky screen comes into a grainy focus of what looks like a bathroom floor as the camera pans up to reveal something.
>It's Masuda's bare ass flexing and retracting, growing large then smaller, a gurgling sound can be heard.
>It's a shitty cellphone video of Masuda face fucking a prostitute in the dirty bathroom of some shitty club in some dirty shitty country.
>This continuities for 22 straight minuets before the screen goes black again.
>Presentation over. Nothing is announced and everyone on /vp/ is gloatposting about how they predicted this/they were right/deniers BTFOed, ect.