>>38149805>gameplayBattles are an absolute slog because of how slow everything is. How anyone managed to get through the first 7 rounds of the Battle Frontier's facilities without tearing their hair off is beyond me.
>map/route designThe overeliance on HMs, the constant dead-end routes and cities and Mt. Coronet splitting the whole region down the middle makes it impossible to simply move across the region. A trip between any two cities is ladden with pointless obstacles that only serve to waste time and force an HM slave or two onto your party.
>championThe least offensive part of Sinnoh, Cynthia has a pretty good team, partcularly with her 31 IV Garchomp, but she's otherwise a barebones character that otherwise only exists as walking exposition glorified by waifufags.
>pokemon designsHalf the pokedex is either pointless babies nobody asked for or evolutions that follow a trend of making everything rounder, fatter or just plain uglier. Most of these evolutions feel like they were done out of obligation, as this gen's gimmick, without any real solid idea on how improve or expand the old designs.