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As stated previous times before, the majority of us don't care that Ash lost the league. Deep down inside, we all knew that Ash would lose.
It's HOW he lost.
Surviving against two Leaf Storms from Mega Sceptile and barely breaking a sweat at the end? Holding his own against the CHAMPION? And then what, a Burasto burrrn and Memefrog gets taken out while Charizard doesn't care?
That implies that Alain is WAY stronger than even Diantha, perhaps even on a legendary level.
If Alain just said to hell with it all and brought out all six of his Pokemon and have everyone attack everything, they could take down Lysadre, evil Zygarde, and the Monolith no problem. It's this inconsistent writing that makes NO SENSE.
Fine, have Ash lose, but at least make it a close battle to show they are of equal strength. Why did Ash have to lose SO BADLY? What was the point? Ultimately, THAT is what makes it so infuriating.