I should probably do some critique for once. Just a warning, I can't rate to save my life, and am somewhat prone to hypocrisy.
>>21977127Practical inventory, somewhat overdone goal, a rather well-rounded team, and plenty of variety in backup. Although, the water makes me want to give this this 7.8/10.
Also, I, for one, am rather interested in seeing how my own character would be interpreted by a writer.
>>21978548Very well-prepared for being an explorer, I'm not sure how many people would have thought of putting flares. Your actual team is almost a nice balance of overused and underused pokémon, although it falls a bit more onto the overused portion of the scale. 8/10
>>21978986I do rather enjoy the 3D art. May I inquire upon how you managed to get those models? Also, I'm conflicted on how to feel about the way that you had the same keystone idea as me. It would have also been nice if you had filled in that extra box. 6.5/10?
>>219798641337/10, absolutely perfect
>>21980196You seem a bit too dependant on technology, but aside from that, you could probably spend a fair while in the wilderness. Maybe a 7/10 or something.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjXZmtg7GwI>>21981085Having Tyrantrum as your main pokémon makes this an automatic 10 from me, albeit I'm not sure how to feel about the general rock feel, but that's just my personal preference
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UO7HY7Nz398>>21981435All of your pokémon are pretty damn overused, and you may be just a bit too ambitious with your goal. Perhaps you could try and handicap your character? 5/10
>>21981879Personally, I wouldn't recommend living on bread. Especially seeing as how you don't seem to have anything to put on it. That's the only particularly major problem I have with this one. 7.8/10
>>21982426So, I'm guessing that you're a sailor. I can't help but feel as though your team doesn't particularly fit with that. Maybe a 6.5/10, I don't know.