>>41481340>>41482115That's a decent theory. To me a lot of the purged moves reek of trying to make the new Pokemon shine more? Examples:
- Feint Attack removed, False Surrender identical but stronger and only for Grimmsnarl
- Camoflauge removed, but G-Stunfisk gets a new ability that automatically does the same
- Pursuit removed, Cursola and Poltergeist are buffed by extension
Other moves were probably removed because of low usage due to either garbage traits (Razor Wind) or poor conceptualization (Synchronoise).
Others I am still completely dumbfounded by, like Bubble. Bubble is a flavorful basic move. Why are they purging Bubble in favor of the tyranny of Water Gun, when they've introduced both Leafage and Branch Poke to complement Vine Whip in the last two generations alone?
Not to mention signature removals like Bone Club and fucking Heal Order. Just why? It makes no sense.