Now, I understand WHY GF does this; they're simply trying to protect their trademark so that they don't lose it. That's perfectly fine. And if things stay the way they are, where fangames have to be leaked on shady websites instead of being safely released, then I can deal with that. But
>>32014764's idea of "Gamefreak hates when you express your love for them, so just sit there and let your talent go to waste. If you want to work on Pokemon, go work for us (we won't let you though, because you're filthy gaijin). Just don't be creative with your love for our franchise in any way" is awful. It makes GF seem way worse than it actually intends to be, it makes them seem like they don't appreciate their fans, and I just hate people slandering them like this. I'm sick of all this goddamn negativity. I just want a time where everyone (both developer and fanbase) could express their creativity, love, and happiness for Pokemon as much as they want, fully aware that neither harms the other. I'm sorry if there's not enough love left in this world for that kind of fantasy to come true.