Updates are slow, but I'm still moving forward. I cleared the "Bug" "trial" in Po Town. I honestly thought Guzma was going to give me trouble again, but Acrobatics on Aramastus the Crobat was super busted.
>>54531769Congratulations on your victory! A Scarlet run would be interesting to see. How far are you in your Ultra Sun run?
>>54534678>>54533296>>54528532Wow, you're blasting through these really quickly. Good call on enabling the Nat Dex from the start; that's one thing I do not like about FRLG.
>>54532581I have. Battle facilities I consider to be safe zones, but rental formats are the safest of them all since you aren't using your own Pokemon. The downside is that it's a tedious grind for only a few BP (particularly on cart). Go for it if you have the patience.