>>24957088The tie was randomized"Oh! Oh! Are you guys talking about that mister
hothead mon?!" Midoro enthusiastically asks with a hop. "He filled a hole at my school the other day and and and, he looked really cool when he was doing it!!" the hedgehog steps away to reenact the scene with a dramatic filter, exaggerating portions of it with his arms. "Everyone was like 'Woooooow!' and 'I never get to see holemen up close!!'"
"Definitely doesn't sound like the Boober I know!" Elexas scoffs back. "Guy's total dead weight from head to toe, that's all I can say. But if you guys are really telling me he's changed his tune, maybe I'll give him a second judgment."
"I can't help but notice.." you begin, breaking the flow to shift subject. "The way you speak.. It feels like you're making your job sound like.. er.. oh I dunno.. harder than it actually is."
"Whuh? What are you trying to say?!"
Elexas' antennae sparks and you hastily rush to your own defense, hands raised. "Th-That's not to say I'm making any commentary on your own skills, heheh! Haha!" you force down a hard gulp. "Y-You said you're the best and you better believe I firmly advocate it! I-It's just.. of all the holemen I've seen lumbering the streets... heh....uh... their work doesn't seem to be so demanding on them. They just.. They fill! The process seems very lax, but from your words and belittlement of Boober—"
"Mister Hothead!" Midoro clarifies.
"—...belittlement of /Mister Hothead/—I can't help but think.. there's something else. Is filling up holes reeaaally that taxing? That can't be /all/ you do."
Perhaps that could have been worded better, but what's done is done. Your search for moral grays has landed you in a particular odd spot.