>>14867540A horde of dark black auras begin to crowd the gym, but you're too busy battling to notice it all.
With health in the red, it looks like all Froakie can do at best is dodge another hit, get hit by Infestation for a final time, and call it a day.
But Froakie really doesn't want to surrender, not yet, he yearns got victory, yearns for success, yearns to prove to everyone that he isn't just some shitty teensy frog!
"Surskit, finish this with Quick Attack!"
The water strider increases her speed, zooming after Froakie for the finishing kill. But still, the frog refuses to give up, the power of friendship keeping him hanging by the hair of his froaky-froak-froak.
However, he knows for a fact that he has no moves that are faster than the Quick Attack other than his own, and he isn't going to risk using that move.
Drastic times call for drastic measures. Froakie decides to go ahead and make a decision on his own without listening to you first, he relies on an old defense mechanic he learned as a babby.
"What the?!"
"Surskit, don't get nervous, keep going!"
Stuffing his fingers into his bubbly white mane, Froakie retrieves a handful of goopy globs, and tosses them haphazardly at the rate of a machine gun.
"Surskit? Surski!?-SURRRRSKIIIT!" taken off-guard by the globs, Surskit attempts to dodge out of the way, but as soon as one of her legs fall pray to the goo, the others get unbalanced.
She trips, and get banged up pretty bag on the way down.