Quoted By:
>Fire up Pokeraid, make a room for my nearby M-Latias raid
>6 people in the lobby, business as usual
>one fucking retard leaves in the first 3 seconds of the battle
>the next 20 minutes are a wild back and forth of people either leaving last second or leaving mid-way through a solid 6 player attempt
>Of course it ends in a wasted daily pass
And this has been how my last three days looked like. Should say that I boosted the pokeraid rooms to 38+ too.
Honestly it's due to the Mega Latias and Latios raids that it becomes abundantly clear how utterly fucking retarded the pgg community is.
Fuck this game, fuck Niatic, fuck you all and last but not least fuck me for attempting these shit legitimately. Spoofing to NY and Tokyo for 20 player rooms and won't ever look back after this shitfest