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>that kid who got tired of staying in his room all day and never socializing with his classmates which eventually lead to him trying to talk to new people, join new groups/clubs and exploring the outside world everyday even though he sounded autistic every time he opened his mouth leading to being ostracized even more
>that same kid after embarrassment after embarrassment causing him to grow numb to the feeling of humiliation as he allows his inner autism to envelop him, slowly but surely accepting himself for who he is. This in turn subconsciously helping him to reach self-actualization and giving just a tiny bit of hope in all the darkness
>that same kid when he reaches the light at the end of the tunnel as the large doors of opportunity fly open allowing him to reap what he had sowed so long ago. Never does he look back as his olden days as he's now the president of 5 different clubs and the school itself, winning his oneitis in the process. From then on he just soars throughout the free world, never to touch the ground ever again knowing that there is no wall, no obstacle and no groundcel that can knock him out of the sky