>>27264371Most names that are obvious mashups or blatant puns feel fucking stupid. Some work... rarely.
Example of a handful of good names, which are either mashups or subtle puns:
>Charmander >Ivysaur >Sandslash (Obvious mashup, still rolls well)>Cyndaquil>Marowak (subtle pun, works well)>Grovyle>Shiftry (subtle pun/mashup, nicely translated)>Galvantula>CastformExample of bad stupid fucking names, which are either awful puns, mashups that were scraped from the bottom of the barrel, or contrived turns of phrase mushed into a single word:
>Mudsdale>Comfey>Charjabug>Fletchinder>Glameow>Skuntank>Roggenrolla>Krookodile>Vanillite>Vanillish>Vanilluxe>Klink>Klang>Klinklang>Honedge>Doublade>Aegislash>Throh>Hitmonchan (fucking)>Hitmonlee (we get it.)>Hitmontop (which, uh, which movie star is this?)Are you fucking high tier: