>>12572127http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zK2WW_TrOEWe finally made it back to the beach, much to the surprise of everyone. Mainly because they themselves weren't exactly relaxing.
It seems that they've found themselves in turmoil again since our disappearance, and that didn't exactly help when they saw that we were being chased by animatronics and the Fletchlings.
I stopped just short of the shoreline, I had tripped, dropping the Cylinduava into the water. At that moment, something occurred to me, something wasn't quite right about all of this...
But I had little time to put more thought into it, everyone was in an uproar again, much worst than the one back at the theater, they were all demanding to know what the hell we had just gotten ourselves into while we were out.
Just as both sides were about to clash in a massive conflict of a battle, I decided right then and there that enough was enough. I stood up, dusted myself, and yelled as loud as I could.
Everyone had fallen silent, with some help from the staff, I managed to move everyone out of the water. Not for organization, but for an important reason. If I hadn't had dropped the Cylinduava, I don't think I would have ever gotten it.
All social groups were mixed within each other. The general oddballs, the rich cunts, the staff members, the tribesbirds, the three animatronics, the normalfag passengers, and Munchlax.
I noticed that Musharna kept her distance, she was over by the Tiki Bar's front porch. If my theory proves true, then I think her reasons for wanting to stay away might be able to be deducted.
What I had in mind was so damn crazy, but at the same time it felt so damn right.
"Alright. Quags, please address the elephant on the beach."
Quags nodded, getting to the burning question everyone was waiting for, "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!?!?!"
I received multiple answers immediately, but I shut them all up and demanded for hands to be raised. I eventually settled on Tropius.