Quoted By:
>Took a bet to play with Minun only throughout the game with no egg moves
>Lost to the first gym leader 56 fucking times because paralysis never fucking worked on Vivillon despite dust shield being entrained away
>Never. Fucking. Worked.
>last battle finally win thanks to pure bullshit of three fully paralyzed moments in a row with three critical hits from Nuzzle
>head out
>battle the other trainers, constantly flipping between losing and winning
>Lose to Sycamore thanks to Bulbasaur starting with Leech Seed
No, I know it hates me. It has to. No pokemon can bear fainting like 80 fucking times until its level is high enough to offset the difference in stats. I'm afraid to open Pokemon-Amie because I know that smile is fake. Behind those cheerful eyes is an expression of hurt and hatred.
Dexin gives me Return to further deepen the sting. This is going to be a very long and agonizing road, anon. This is going to hurt me just as much as it hurts Minun.
>mfw Minun finally wins with 1hp