Title: Divinity
Genre: Romance, Action/Adventure
Ships: Pearl, Amour
Summary: Dawn, brokenhearted by love never confessed gets the worst second chance she could have ever asked for. However, that may be the least of her concerns when she comes to find out why. Set when Ash and co. are young adults in an Canon Divergent AU from XY.
Ai Voice teaser of the first page of the story I did for fun:
vocaroo.com/1nCPZs1P6zEPArt in the thumbnail was commissioned for this fic
https://www.wattpad.com/story/338283675-divinityI originally intended on dropping the first three chapters - a total of 35K all at once as it is the opening arc to this story that takes place 4 years before the rest begins, but I'm glad now I didn't. I've had time to sit down with the first chapter on a tablet and caught a lot of issues that I should have picked up during my proofreading at my desktop but just missed somehow. It's fixed now, thankfully but I feel bad for the people who looked at it in the first 12-ish hours after posting.
Seriously. Convert your chapters to PDFs and read over on a comfy setup like your couch and see how much more you pick up.
Chapter 2 is a 15K word long battle between Ash and one of the Game Trainers (Both League Champions) which I won't spoil pre-emptively. Should be out no later than this weekend but I want to have it ready by Thursday. I really hope the amount of time it took to write it equals enjoyment when people read it because it was the greatest undertaking in this opening sequence.