>>55093015Here are my most wanted evos.
>Paracorpse >Ghost/GassMushroom completely takes over host bug, turn into something similar to a fairy ring, and the main mushroom grows a ghostly face on it. What remains of the bug is barely visible because it's covered in so much fungus,
>Phytor>Bug/Fghting I really like the idea of Scyther becoming the physical Eevee. So any evo based on the remaining eeveelution types would be kino. Based on a kung fu Mnatis and Mantis style martial arts. It becimes exactly what you imagine it would.
>Sunflorid>Grass/ElectricIt would just be a bigger Sunflora based on Solar panels and solar energy. It would get an ability that gives it the attributes of a Fire type in harsh sunlight. And would get STAB on Fire type in Harsh Sunlight.
>Bonnimise and Volclide >Both Bug/Dark They would be based on runaway lovers and punks. Would have more thief motifs.
>Ogemporer>Poison/Dark Based on Scorpion men from Akkadian myths. Very monster like evo.
Based off early 2000's gangster rappers. Has the hoodie of a defeated Scrafty around its neck like a big gold chain.
>Emeyebee>Psychic/BugBecomes a Men In Black/UFO hybrid. With an expressionless blank stare.
>Novalisk >Electric/Fire The stored up solar energy from Heliolisk is now leaking out its body through searing heat and flames. It's become a lot more aggressive. Novalisk are prone to violently detonate as a last option in battle. Gets Synthesis. It must used Synthesis 5 times under harsh sunlight in battle before evolving.
>Clawbrigade>Water/DragonResemble more of a Lobster with a subtle Navy/Marine theme with some Draconic flare. With a giant claw arm cannon. But it also becomes more physically oriented.
>Krakuplex>Fighting/Water or Fighting/Dark Grapploct turns into a Kracken/Cthulu-esque fighter. Has an ability called "Combat Madness" where enemies will have one random offensive stat raised by one stage but both defenses lowered