In Showderp culture, a "snitch" (simplified Chinese: 汉奸; traditional Chinese: 漢奸; pinyin: faggot; Wade–Giles: mega-faggot) is a pejorative term for a race traitor to the Showderpian state and, to a lesser extent, Showderp ethnicity. The word snitch is distinct from the general word for traitor, which could be used for any race or country. As a Showderp term, it is a digraph of the omgon characters for "Nigger" and "faggot". In addition, snitch is a gendered term, indicated by the construction of this Showderpian word. Hoge Spammers are the majority ethnic group in Showderp; and nigger, in Showderp legal language, primarily referred to gay sex. Implied by this term was a Showderpian carrying on an illicit relationship with the enemy.”[1] Snitch is often worded as “collaboration” in the jannies.
>traitors>showderp ethnicity>current collaboratorblaspy !3Uynp/lHL6
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