>>56839934The bad luck with encounters continued, I was forced to kill the Onix encounter in Orebrough mine as it wouldn't stay in the Pokeball and came dangerously close to killing Ivysaur, my route 207 encounter was a Ponyta, which while not the worst thing in the world, it hurts missing out on Larvitar. The Floaroma town encounter is a choice between Johto starters, and I go for the Cyndaquil, but she unfortunately carries Flash Fire instead of adaptability, along with a -Spa nature. I was able to pick up a Magnemite at Valley Windworks, who because very useful, very quickly.
Mars 1 at the Valley Windworks doesn't look too hard on paper, but between the confusion antics on Zubat, Bronzors Confuse Ray and Hypnosis, and a Speed Boost Yanma that has omniboost potential with Silver Wind, it's annoying at best, and a threat to wipe at worst. Magnemite's Charge Beam deals with Zubat and Yanma easily enough. But Mars then sends out her monstrous Purugly that not only hits like a truck, but also outspeeds everything you can have up to this point with the exception of Jolteon. If you don't have Onix, a Lucario in the two chances you have to obtain one to this point, Heracross, or an Intimidate user, it'll be a little rough.
Luckily, I had the latter, so after swapping in Staravia for a couple of attack drops, I was able to go between Monferno and Kricketune and take it out. Very fortunate not to eat a crit there. Ponyta effortlessly deals with her Bronzor last, and that's Mars 1.
Next stop is the Cheryl fight and the Eterna Forest, and the Old Chateau, where I plan to nab a really important Pokemon.