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ok guys quick story time, and /adv/ice
>friend and I start playing pokemon go
>we were the highest level at the time
>level 12 after the second day of being stable
>were at packed park throwing our snorlaxes into gyms, and kept taking them back with ease
>did this for few days, 8+ hours each day
>hit level 22
>its only first week of release
>its getting too hot out
>he stops playing
>I play here and there
>fast forward to present
>im level 26
>he gained a level since last year
>it was nice day couple of weeks ago and we go hit a popular spot
>we were there for hour or so
>I asked him if we will ever play pokemon go again
>he said most likely not
>he said, "if it was like diablo, then I would"
>I think he means account resets
>he thinks he is too far behind to catch up
How can I convince my best friend to play again?
>been showing him all my snorlaxes I've caught in a day due to discord bot posting coordinates to rare pokemon with IV % and moveset.