>>31500368That name is actually a double pun. I'll try to put it as eloquently as I can..
The small "tsu" (called a sukuon) that's used in its name means that the next consonant is doubled (Teka -> Tekka), but if you were to read it as a big "tsu", it reads "Tetsukaguya".
"Kaguya" is obviously still a reference to Kaguya, and the "Tetsu" part means STEEL.
>>31501984>>31502260>>31504315The Ultra Beasts have really clever names.
>>31502251>>31502843>>31504516It's both "paper" and "god", its name, typing and design makes it an obvious reference to Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi (Grass-Cutting Sword), probably the holiest sword in Japanese mythology.