>>35847843>See that my weapon is 2 shotting enemies after a few battles>"Wow this shit is broken and is ruining the fun, I'm going to not use it"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow that was hard.
>>35847801Kalos has a kino Pokedex. Best ratio of good designed Pokemon to bad. Makes gen 5 look pathetic in comparison.
>Has a much smaller dex>Blows gen 5s large dex the fuck out>>35847829>So do I. What's your point? (Not him btw)That those things are the only thing that actually matters in a Pokemon game. The next gimmick is irrelevant. Do you think I gave a shit about mantine surfing and photo shit from USUM? No, I couldn't give a shit about them either. I never used Z moves either.
Crying about a game because it gives you more options is idiotic though.
>Gen VI is still piss easy, even compared to bw.Considering I breezed through gen 5 in my blind nuzlocke I'd have to say 'no' to that shit, lmao. Gen 5 is the easiest gen in the series.
Blind Nuzlocking gen 6 is actually nasty as fuck. Not because of the gym leaders, but because of random trainers who have some nasty pokemon.
There's a good few double battles that are particularly nasty too.
Either way gen 6 nuzlocke > gen 5.
How they compare non nuzlocked I don't know, nor do I give a fuck tbqhwy.