>>40050302Yeah well how about having the characters actually look good as well? You know when anons post those webms of good animated scenes from SM that solely involve the characters and/or Pokémon and not battles? Most if not all of those episodes were animated by Masaaki Iwane, who’s been animating for the series since OS and has been putting out that type of quality for literal decades. The other episodes look super stiff and rely on slo mos and still images to go off of. Remember that faggot off of YouTube who made a video about how “amazing” SM’s animation is, even though he conveniently left out almost any scenes or episodes that weren’t animated by Iwane or Ohashi? Aka cherry picking? He hasn’t made a video about SM since and that’s because the “sakuga” is so far and in between that it’s not even worth making a video about. Saying the animation is better than XY is just a retarded judgement. A better statement is that it has more well animated episodes than XY because the team is so small they have Iwane animating episodes in a smaller rotation than usual, and more than half of the real sakuga moments are from him.
Don’t tell the mods over at sakugabooru that though, because they think even the smallest amount of smear or stretch counts as sakuga, and will call you all kinds of overzealous words they’ve never actually used in real life to make you seem inferior.