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Another easy two up and out for Sweet Jane Crowbat (le MVP as of now 4those counting btw)
Both his Mons surprised me desu I was expecting HeroCross and MaChamp but instead I found PrimeRape and PolyWrath
Big Whoop
Wing Attacke Performed and chuck is NO MORE
Now...the run DOES look p.dire. I am off to face Red Garydos without an Lectric type.
Big Steve Garydos will go Head to head, ounce to ounce, toe to toe, pound for pound against RedGarydos.
And as they say
>Two Garydos in the water, only one comes out
Jah feel?
Anyways I'm legit gonna try to catch a fucking electchode in RocketHQ I honestly feel that's my only hope at this point (unless MAYBE I could lure a Chinchou on that route East of Little Root town)
IF I can beet Red Garydos and Rocket HQ (without going over the level cap btw) then Pryce will ALSO be a bitch for me. Jerry Cinderquil WILL help somewhat...but we all know Ice nearly == water and...yeah no Lectric Type
So I'm PRAY for ElectChode or else....the run is in Grave Danger :(