>>19996335>Whoever made this survey made it so that only the top dogs can voteno, they made it so you actually have to give relevant feedback so that we can actually improve our plots instead of just spinning a wheel and picking one.
You don't HAVE to give feedback, and you don't HAVE to be 31e3+ to give feedback, you just have to be willing to give each plot an equal amount of scrutiny so that when the time comes for the confirmation survey we'll have 19 well designed and vetted plots to chose from instead of 19 trash plots full of plotholes and superfluous events.
Anyone who's complaining about the survey simply because it takes a lot of time obviously doesn't care about investing in the quality of our final product.
anyone complaining about the proposals being tedious/repetitive/unoriginal is a faggot for not submitting their own plot.
sorry to reply only to you, THIS MESSAGE IS FOR EVERYONE ITT