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New stuff this week: (All events except Mewtwo are one week only)
>Nihilego Ultra Beast Challenge (20,000 Coins, No Items, and 70% + 2%/Turn Catch Rate. 8/31~9/3)
>Mewtwo [PSB]
>Shaymin Sky Forme [PSB]
>Noivern (300 Coins) [PSB]
>Shiny Mega Mewtwo X Competitive Stage
>Great Daily Pokemon #5 (Electivire, Cap Memechus, Golem)
>Special Daily Pokemon #2 (More Winking Memes)
>Start of Month Challenge (9/1~9/4)
Old stuff from last week:
>Shiny Diancie EB
What to grind?
Mewtwo and Noivern (both Skill Swapped) SL5?
Coming Soon (from the Chinese Wiki):
>Tapu Bulu Ultra Challenge (600 Coins)
>Machamp (300 Coins)
>Reshiram (400 Coins)
>Pokemon Safari #6 (The Alakazam one)
>Probably a Mega Alakazam Competitive Stage the week after
>Special Daily Pokemon #3 (Even More Winking Memes)
>Great Daily Pokemon #6 (Accelgor, Escavlier, Amoonguss, Cresselia, Dialga, Palkia, Infernape)
>Decidueye EB
Will need suggestion for links since most of the old ones are outdated
ToTT: If you fell for the meme and caught Nihilego, how many attempts did you need and did you have to use a Great Ball?