It's really been a week since i've updated. Let's fix that.
The only thing that's happened is i got off my rear and started grinding up everyone that has evolutions i haven't seen yet, which isn't quite enough for Hidden Power, but i can evolve Ito for Excavalier and battle an Ace Trainer in Twist Mountain for Klinklang, giving me just enough of the Pokedex. Currently grinding up Tortuga on route 10, then Lula is next.
I'm curious about everyone's opinion on using the Dream Radar for certain Pokémon in B2W2.
>>54731295Shame you basically have to choose between a monkey and Munna in the Dreamyard, feels like Munna never gets used.
>>54731350I have grinded in gen 1, i feel your pain.
>>54733386>>54733394Well, if your Nuzlocke career ever faulters, you can go into fetish art at least.
>>54735746I don't think so, but from what i read it's just Crystal with a lot of bonus stuff. This isn't by that one youtuber that made a video claiming he "fixed" Johto, is it?
>>54737269I'd say pick a game you know well, and don't make it too difficult. FRLG is a very vanilla experience too.
>>54737662Man, that's a lot of BS, i wouldn't be looking forward to N and Ghetsis if i were you.
>>54739080I get that, i've had to make breaks before.
>>54740376Yeah, it's a tank to a fault.
>>54740815I would imagine very difficult, i think i remember one other guy talking about it a while ago.
>>54740922Good luck!
>>54740950The main game wasn't redesigned for affection bonuses, but the E4 was.