>>46121197First thank you so much for the feedback.
I think that most of your criticism would be resolved with better pictures. (like grass starter which is supposed to be a koala with a cauliflower for a brain)
Thanks for all the one you liked.
I don't think that I will change the bird to Water/Flying but I agree that they look to much like each other. They're based on a sport called Pelote Basque. Maybe I should implemented more elements from that sport on the last evo (like leather or something)
Thanks for the feedback on the flying pig, bug wings are meant to look odd and out of place. I'm ok to change it but not with feathers.
The Grass/Poison is not a Dandelion but a puffball mushroom.
I really have to find a better way to depict the fur boots on the dog. I agree. They were white in early design but the whole line was completely white and I wanted to add color even the dog breed they're based on are totally white (pyrenee shepherd)
I'll keep the wizard theme for the pepper. It's a really important part of my culture.
The shark pre-evo is based on shark eggs. We find a lot of these on the beach, they are black and hard and they're linked like a chain.
The Fighting line is supposed to look like Potatoes that play Force Basque. I really need to work on these.
The pastry lines are regional variants of Alcremie and Cherrim based on Gâteau Basque.
The Pikaclone has already changed to make it look more like a gerbil, and not like Mickey anymore.
The puffin is meant to evolve into a swimming dragon. Kinda hard to portray.
The bull is not a regional variant of Tauros. It's a bull dressed as a bull-fighter. The name is Picataurus.
As I said here
>>46121110, the jellyfish is a Zirtzil.
The Spiritomb is not a fan. It's a grave with Basque cruce symbol, like pic related. Ghost/Rock
The tornados have no legs, they move by creating the tornado to carry them.
The "blue aliens" are Laminak, river fairies. The two designs are male and female. They don't evolve.