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Ten minutes now. Entire skyscrapers worth of matter had started leaving Olivia every two dozen seconds. The winds and waves thrashed from the obscene amounts of gaseous and solid matter she’d birthed into the world. The ground beneath her itself was starting to shake. It was hard to tell whether or not it was all from the massive piles collapsing behind her or mighty geological structure folding beneath the weight of her shit. Such a shame. Olivia use to love the sights of Alolan, but they were nothing compared to the cunt-quivering, mind-melting, ass-shattering eterna-bliss of this shit load.
As time marched on and minute 12 began, Olivia’s dire influence on the planet was becoming evident. Storms crackled in the skies from the violent swirl of her fart winds overwhelming the atmosphere. All of Alola was gone behind her as millions and millions of pounds of waste shot out of her every few minutes. In its place were huge mountainous heaps of dung, collapsing into the ocean constantly and generating obscene tsunamis from their fall. What a shame. It seems Alola had been made into nothing more than an outhouse for her omega-shit. Oh, but if any apocalyptic fate were to befall the islands, it might as well be at the hands of this ultimate pleasure.
At this rate… at this rate, all of earth was likely to meet the same fate. Then what? Would she die? No. Olivia felt somehow the magical force causing all this had a way to protect her. No normal human could survive without an Earth but… well, no human was defecating 10 mile long turds and ripping fart cyclones. Whatever was to come, Olivia would surely be fine. If not? Every moment of this delectable giga dump was well worth any fate.