>>47611811Yamper and Bolthund
Not only is it an insult to Corgis, but an affront to beauty and aesthetics themselves. Why is it’s face so fucking flat, Corgis have long snouts, are they trying to blur the line between Pug and Corgi because they can’t have more than one Dog ‘mon per Generation?
And after everything, why is a fucking Corgi evolving into a completely different breed of dog, it boggles my mind how they took yamper and decided bolthund should be it’s evolved form.
Furthermore why is it electric type?
Why isn’t it FAIRY type, ya know, make the dog breed that has some silly folktale about fairies riding them as war mounts a FAIRY type!
Slap angel wings on it’s base form and make it’s evolution a Fairy/Flying type that shoots beams out of its mouth or something.