Ok I think I got it now. Her name will be Merumo.
The idea for this character is thanks to Emily anon. I think it was him that said something along the lines of "most people only give their OCs mental issues to garner sympathy for themselves". And it immediately made me wanna make a character whose mental illness was played for laughs rather than sympathy. But, like, tastefully. So I got this idea for a character with social anxiety who constantly finds themself in compromising situations because they can't speak up for themselves and get unwittingly roped into crimes, and thus shenanigans ensue.
And this is that character.
>>56529332Cheers for the bios! Feels good to understand David a bit better now. I also remember that samurai OC, I thought that was a very interesting concept!
>>56529951I'll fill this one in too, but later.