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Individual Exeggcute, Falinks, etc.
Shellder Slowbro/King form(assuming Turban from GS Beta doesn't count as existing)
Baby Vulpix evo according to its pokedex(again, assuming beta baby form doesn't count since it also doesn't match the pokedex description of one tail)
Dhelmise but just the seaweed
Whatever the three legendary beasts were initially(though this likely wasn't evolution) since they're described as pokemon and Generations debunked the eeveelution theory
Eternal Flower Florges
Deflowered Lilligant(Moon Pokedex)
Castform forms for weather like thunderstorms and sandstorm
Both Digletts and Dugtrios' forms not being a mystery because one could just defeat it and look(this also applies to other pokemon like Forretress, but Mimikyu is explained away decently enough)
Tail-less slowpoke(exists but only as overworld NPC- none of the Slowpoke you find are victims of Team Rocket)
Tropius with other fruits besides bananas because what grows depends on what's its favorite fruit
More Oricorio forms since there's a lot of flowers that have nectar.
Original Gastrodon before speciation(which may also have a shell) since Gastrodon can be found in regions without an equivalent to Mt. Coronet dividing them.