>>17923308http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oh0jxsQAK9k"Why don't you just make more newspapers yourself? Shouldn't be that hard."
Politoed lashes out his tongue--notably drier than a usual toed tongue--licks his finger with it, then turns the page, "I really wish I could. In fact, it's something I've always wanted to do, but after all these decades, I don't think i can do it anymore."
"What do you mean?"
"I've been getting tired a lot lately, more sick too. My bones probably wouldn't be able to handle running a full newspaper for people who probably wouldn't even read it, it'd only exist to satisfy my desires, and reading stuff I've already written is fruitless, there's no surprise in it, there's not even any surprise for anyone else. All in all, I chock it up to old age, I'm not even supposed to be out this late either, this cold breeze isn't good for my skin."
His excuse comes off as befuddling to you. The toad says he feels like he's getting older and more sickly, but his appearance draws suspect to that claim, the dark rings and uncurled curl only go to show that he just isn't getting enough of the sleep he wants so badly. Aside from that he doesn't much look old at all, dead in the sense of not wanting to do shit maybe, but not definitely curmudgeonly senior citizen type material.
If his implications are to be believed, this frog standing before you is over fifty years old, but he honestly doesn't look a day older than a sleep-deprived twenty-five year old.