>>53977799So how advance should a pokemon community be with humans around? I could see pokemon that are near human settlement never really form one since the smart one would just integrate with humans but say a vary isolated location would form something. Now whether it would be like something we see in mystery dungeon IDK.
>>53976510Please do tell, I would be interested to hear your idea.
>>53977875I can see that, In fact i think there were a few pokemon episodes were something like that happening IDK. Though Militia don't do vary well against standing army.
>>53977027I think there would be some form of a secret service and some subterfuge here and there, but nothing like we have in our world for several reasons. Their glowies probably never had the resources or justification to really do much of anything. Also their world never had a cold war were the intelligence agency were effectively given a blank check, unlimited resources, and the goverments turning a blind eye because "end justifies the means". Plus with how pokemon can just come in at any time and either exposed your entire operation or just flat out stop it really puts a damper on things.
A big spoiler later in my story but
When isekai MC find a way back home. It becomes a big plot point as He and a few other isekai people now have to deal with consequence of the two worlds meeting. Our world is in the middle of cold war two expect with 4 super powers. You have the usually politicking, trying to spread influences, trade, strong arming, etc but the glows are the worst. On top of the their usually fuckerys they go nut upon seeing "virgin land". From that point on like 90% of problems are because of them and it got so bad that they almost got both worlds nearly destroyed on several different occupations because they were fucking around with some legendary or artifact.