Quoted By:
Golurk- We can say with certainty that Golurk has played a large part in the development of man in the 21th Century and its influence remains strong.
Regigigas- Let us commence a journey into the much traveled topic of Regigigas. Remarkably Regigigas is heralded by shopkeepers and investment bankers alike, leading many to state that it is impossible to overestimate its impact on modern thought.
Magnezone- Though Magnezone is a favorite topic of discussion amongst monarchs, presidents and dictators, spasmodically it returns to create a new passion amongst those who study its history. Crossing many cultural barriers it still draws remarks such as "I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole" and "i'd rather eat wasps" from those most reliant on technology, who form the last great hope for our civilzation.
Bronzong- At one stage or another, every man woman or child will be faced with the issue of Bronzong.
Cofagrigus- When one is faced with people of today a central theme emerges - Cofagrigus is either adored or despised, it leaves no one undecided.
Claydol- What it all comes down to is money. Capitalists love Claydol.
Deoxys- Deoxys has a special place in the heart of mankind. It replenishes the self, puts out inner "fires", and never hides.
Sigilyph- The immortal and indispensable phrase "honesty is the best policy" borrowed much from Sigilyph.
Forretress- Of paramount importance to any study of Forretress within its context, is understanding the ideals of society. It breaks the mold, rocks the mind, and shattering man's misunderstanding of man.
Genesect- Society begins and ends with Genesect.