>>21029647Battlespot Blog time, another tale of doubles:
>Empoleon, Serperior and Hydreigon vs. OU: The Team - Hacked Shiny Edition>Emp and Serp against Garchomp and Salamence in turn one.>Seperior tanks a Fire Blast from an obviously scarfed Salamence then proceeds to paralyze Garchomp with Glare.>Garchomp is paralyzed and can't move>Empoleon used Icy Wind! (w/Life Orb)>Almost 1 shots both of them>Switch out Serperior into AssVest Hydreigon, who proceeds to laugh at the incoming Fire Blast>Empoleon used Icy Wind!>Garchomp uses Protect and manages to avoid a chilly willy death while Salamence goes down>Opponent sends out Mawile, goes mega>Hydreigon Flamethrowers it to about 30%~, Empoleon finishes both targets off with a refreshing Surf>His last Pokemon is Rotom-Wash>He forfeits>mfw