>>34903042Different Anon, but you should be more open about things with the people in your life you care about. They might be able to help you -- and more importantly -- they would probably want to.
When I was doing my apprenticeship I was living away from home on a meager wage and I got into debt with payday loan companies. I kept juggling to fund my partying, gaming and drug use; I was deeply unhappy, despite having friends I loved, despite going to raves and house parties every other weekend.
I didn't let anyone I lived with know how much I was struggling to keep up our lifestyle. I was the only one on an apprentice wage; their income was much higher and they take for granted how much even a round of drinks set me back.
The stress of it all got too much and I had a nervous breakdown. I lost my job, got evicted and had to ask my mum to bail me out of my debts.
After the facade was shattered my friends and family were so supportive and the only real question was "why didn't you say anything?"
Since then I've had a better relationship with my mum -- paying her back was a great feeling -- and a friend got me a £27k a year job. But if you don't let people know you're in trouble then they can't help you.
And in the words of the great General Iroh - 'There is nothing wrong with letting people who love you, help you.'