Still stuck headfirst in the ground, Horny suddenly picks up on a radiating aura coming from far away. He deducts by the its type that it's Edgy trying to call out to him.
Using aura-to-aura communication, Edgy tries to get Horny to do his part and help out, but Horny is reluctant to join in. As previously stated, Horny was always the lesser of the two Lucarios, the inferior doge who always wanted to wank one off, whereas Edgy was the one who trained and trained and never once expanded his dong.
It is because of this that Edgy is the one who has earned his Lucarionite and the right to use Mega Evolution. Horny wouldn't know the first thing about creating a deeper bond with his trainer, in fact he thinks more about you than he does Korrina any day.
"Grroroorrrrfff!! Groooorrfff!"
Edgy tells Horny to fuck off with that angst, that /he's/ the one who's supposed to be angsty. He tells Horny that it's never too late to actually start working up the ranks to become an edgemaster, and that he can start right here, right now.
Edgy tells him something he thought he'd never say, he reiterates what Johnny Cashews said earlier. He doesn't NEED to use Mega Evolution to wreck shit. As long as a Pokemon has the gains and the motivation, anyone can win a battle*.
(*within realistic competitive theory) "Grooooooorrrffff!"
Edgy lets Horny know that he isn't a weak link because he doesn't have a Lucarionite yet. In fact, the trial ahead and the many to come will be proof alone that Horny has the strength it takes to earn one.
"Groroorrrf, awoooorrrf."
Edgy concludes by saying that Horny can get his head out of the ground any day now, whenever he feels like he wants to stop joking around with dicks and start becoming the next master of edge.
>Horny...A) gets up!
B) stays in the ground.