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Good news /shw/ I've wanted a shiny Clawitzer for testing out competetively, I bred perfect parents, then swapped one of the parents for a Ditto, 50 eggs later and BAM! Shiny Clauncher.
In case you don't remember I was also that guy who went over 1800 eggs for a shiny zubat about two weeks ago. It had Inner Focus instead of infiltrator but I decided to live with it as I didn't have the patience to continue.
...Until now...
I decided to go once again for an infiltrator Zubat and once I had everything set up, I started hatching and 4 eggs later...
Shiny Zubat.
"Holy Shit! This was the fastest hunt ever, and it's stats are perfect! I just hope that-"
>Inner Focus
I'm about 200 eggs in for Infiltrator Zubat. Once I get one I'll hold a giveaway for my Inner Focus Zubat and Crobat.
Happy Hunting everyone!