>>36458508I found Moltres trying to disguise itself as a burning bush. That's one more for legendary bird bingo, I am LOVING this. Bill gave me a Typhlosion, I found an Amuelet Coin, and my Burned Tower encounter was BASED FLOWRE. If dupes clause is optional then so is the champ rule, and you best believe I caught that based motherfucker in a Friend Ball. Too bad Game Fuck nerfed its level-up move pool in gen 2 so no Sleep Powder shenanigans unless I find a TM for it. I'll let her (inb4 >her) chill in the box for now, she's earned it.
The second coming of DICKS had a chocolate-dipped banana elephant (at least I hope that's chocolate), fuckin' magnets, tentacle porn, and... more tentacle porn. DICKS you sick fuck. We finally answered the age-old question of who let the dogs out and Raikou apparently decided to stay behind, one of the Kimono Girls had Articuno (one more legendary bird to go), and we finally got Surf. Morty saw us getting sexy with DICKS 2: Electric Boogaloo and whipped out the (sea) horse and tentacle porn, a double-headed dil- sorry, DOdo, and kum spelled backwards. Joss was so aroused she tried to learn Harden. It's like pottery. And that's badge four in the bag, time to get our Surf on bois.