>>53577558If those three are your only high levels, I agree with leveling Lucas, Sydney, and Elio first. I've never used Lana but she seems useful on paper with that opening +4 Attack/Defense/Healing, Bertha will be your foundation for future sandstorm teams, Hilda is strong but being recoil-based I tend to play around her sync move, others can correct me there. The "standard" 5 stars will slowly file in as you use the scout tickets and roll on fairs ("if it isn't money, it's time"). Leafsaur will be a huge help once you get enough characters in place to play Stadium Master mode, as with the new parameters they can easily toxic stall 2500 of the 4500~ points you need for the 5 Star ticket rewards.
>>53579205Huh, just add fighting and psychic and we have most of the rainbow here.