>>42220365Good-looking, misses his teenage years
>>42220401Cute goth-ish girl
>>42220506irl shitposter
>>42220660Chill as fuck, but harbors mental issues
>>42221579Unique, a little pretentious though
>>42221715Has interesting hobbies
>>42221785Overweight waifu-poster
>>42221862Young, wasting potential
>>42221978Bipolar disorder
>>42221984Incredibly sweet person, kind of lonely though
>>42222450Simple man, very reliable person
>>42222470Dreams to move to another country
>>42222635You often project your own insecurities on others
>>42222814Basic, decent person
>>42222881Manlet, actually a very good person despite it
>>42223055Doesn't care what anyone thinks of him