Late game Sinnoh seems kinda silly on paper because of the lack of pokemon but it ended up being surprisingly tough. The lack of diversity somehow makes the teams more diverse. That Octillery in the electric Gym was scary, not as scary as the deluge of self-destructing Graveler and No Guard Machoke in Victory Road but still quite scary. I am kinda worried the E4 may be tougher than it looks now.
Other than the octopus, the Volkner fight went smoothly. Twig just Earthquaked everything. The problem was that I switched him out fearing an Ice attack and Reav failed to OHKO with Thunderbolt. Then it started setting up with Charge beam on her and like an idiot started panicking and switching around. Luckily Zor was able to land a Psychic before things out too out of hand.
The last rival fight was also kinda rough because of Reav. She had no problem killing the Staraptor but the Floatzel survived the Thunderbolt and froze her with Ice Fang. I then switch to Oof, who takes no damage from a Crunch, and finish it off. In return he sends his Heracross and I sit there for like a minute trying to decide who to send because between its coverage and its high attach, nothing in my team really wants to take a hit from it. Or at least, thats why I thought. In reality, Star just ends up taking no damage from a Night Slash and proceeds to kill half his team no problem. I guess killing all those Graveler and Steelix gave my team really high defenses. Barry's last mon was Roserade but since Star was low after Close Combating the Snorlax a couple times, I have Zor finish it off to be safe.
>>57373613>>57376792Palkia has honestly not been nearly as OP as I thought it would be. It could be because it was kinda under-leveled for most of Victory Road but Pal kinda struggled with most of the fights in there. It almost died twice to wild Golbat.