>PuffJoke+easy to make back then due to Kirby reskin
>MewtwoEarned shilling
>PichuGen2 rep but another joke
>Pokemon TrainerKANTOOOOOO Pandering
>LucarioThe retarded shilldog plastered everywhere even replacing Mewtwo, even built in with a mechanic to reward shitters for playing bad
>Zard itselfNot even hiding it
>GrenWas never supposed to be a shillmon but due to Sakurai's pick cuz it looked cool, then the anime pushing it super hard, & finally realing back+retconning Trash Gren it really shouldn't have gotten in
>IncineroarThey absolutely knew what they were doing, absolutely thrashing VGC & Sakurai dropped the owl for it BUT it is actually pretty original as a fighter with the wrestling kit
That being said that all fuck the shit eating rabbit didn't make it in, they realized all the gen8 starters were THAT awful.