>>39213455Nice mix of cuteness and toughness
>>39213510Max score because you have mega sceptile
>>39213519Big noses
>>39214268Very nice, I just don't like toxicroak very much. Shiny mimikyu is a good choice.
>>39214338Pretty weird ass team. I'm curious what you like about weedle?
>>39215179Good balance, I like your team a lot.
>>392152126/6, love alolan muk+ /Nidoking+Manectric
>>39215287I've seen you around a lot in the past few days. You have a nice team. Feraligatr the best.
>>39215309You have a great team, very intimidating. Infernape is the best on your team.
I'm gonna be posting my alternate trainer, if I had to pick a second team.